Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

Deja Vu

My Name is Danniel Derandie Revlis,
18 years old and member of 12 Social 2.
Here, i want to send my public apology
due to my action last Thursday (5/2).

I would like to send my biggest and deepest apology,
to my dear friend, Indra,
for the injury he suffered after last Thursday accident.
I also would like to say sorry to His family,
His mom, his dad, and his sisters,
for the trauma i have caused.
I never meant to do such things.
Because in fact, i have a very good relationship with Indra.

And i also would like to say sorry for each and everyone of you who read this post.
I realize I've made many wrong things.
I know my reputation has fall to the ground,
And now, i just want you to know know that i am really sorry for everything
especially my action that hurt or cause all of you pain or heartache

To the teaching staff at SMAK 7,
I know i have lost my credential and your trust on me,
I know my action is unacceptable,
but i want all of you to know that,
i am not a criminal.
I am a man with honor.
I am a gentleman.
And i will take every consequences for my action.

Thank you.
Danniel Derandie.

Senin, 02 Februari 2009


2 Februari 2009 7.30 pm

Lokasi : SMAK 7, Cipinang Indah, Jakarta Timur
Situasi : Akses masuk mulai sulit karna air sudah menutup jalan depan walaupun masih belum setinggi yang diharapkan. Air berada sampai di depan SMPK 5. Jalan belakang (tempat parkir) juga sudah tertutup air diatas mata kaki. Mobil-mobil juga sudah mulai parkir di depan pintu gerbang Cipinang Indah. Cuaca saat ini tidak hujan tapi mendung. Berita dari Bogor, ketinggian air sudah sangat tinggi dan siap dikirim ke Jakarta. Diperkirakan sekitar jam 10 malam sudah sampai Jakarta.

next update, 10.00 pm.